If your ID/Passport does not list a Last name/Surname, please enter a period (.) in this field. Please see example below:
- First name: James
- Last (Family/Surname): .
If you are registering for the GMAT exam delivered online, you will be asked to enter your name again for the ExamiKey validation. Please enter Test in the Last name/Surname field for this section. ExamiKey is capturing your keystrokes and not the actual name entered in your profile.
If you have any additional questions or concerns about your profile, please contact GMAT Customer Service for your region, via email:
- Americas: gmat.americas@pearson.com
- Europe, Middle East, Africa: gmat.emea@pearson.com
- Asia Pacific: gmat.apac@pearson.com
- Mainland China: gmatservice@neea.edu.cn