The Practice Exams available for purchase (3&4 and 5&6) can only be reset once per set. Clicking the reset link on the Official Practice platform will reset both Practice Exams that are displayed on your homepage. There is a reset link available for each Practice Exam set which only affects the displayed set of exams.
- Practice Exams 1&2 can be retaken* multiple times.
- For Practice Exams 3&4 and 5&6, there is only one "reset" allowed per set. We suggest taking both Practice Exams in a set once before selecting to reset them.
- If you attempt to take any of the Practice Exams more than once, you may see repeat questions.
- If you repurchase the same product, you will not receive new content, but you will get two more attempts at each practice exam – one upon the repurchase and one through the "reset" option.
*Practice Exam 1 and 2 can be retaken multiple time, but cannot be reset mid-use.