If you have been approved to receive accommodations for your GMAT Exam, you would have received a code in your approval letter for accessing the built-in accommodations features in GMAT Official Practice Exams. You can then unlock these features by following these steps:
- From the home page, click the ‘Profile’ button on the upper navigation bar, under the site title.
- The time factor field will be populated if you have previously added an accommodation.
- If you need to add an accommodation or change the existing accommodation, click the Manage Accommodations button.
- Input your accommodation code—50% or 100% additional time
- Click the ‘Save’ button (or ‘Cancel’ to exit managing accommodations)
- The time factor field will now reflect the most recent accommodation code multiplier input on the profile
Your account should have the extended time accommodations options available for all your practice exams now.
Note: Once additional time is added, it cannot be removed.